MCDS-Therapy and Covid-19

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we have had to make the difficult decision to halt the MCDS-Therapy study. This means that we are stopping study visits for the foreseeable future and all activity relating to the trial.

Safety is always our top priority and we feel that halting the trial, before participants receive any of the study treatment, is the best decision.

We do not know how long the study will be halted as the COVID-19 situation is changing daily.  We cannot gauge how this will affect when we can restart the study. We will be posting updates here, on the MCDS-Therapy website, and on our social media accounts.

We recommend that any participants in the trial with concerns or seeking further information should get in touch directly with the local study doctor. Anyone else should feel free to if you have any questions. The team will do everything they can to respond to you; however do be aware that many NHS workers who are part of the trial have been redeployed to assist with the COVID-19 response.

Thank you for your interest and support for MCDS-Therapy. While the halt of the trial is disappointing, we will be back and moving MCDS research forward again as soon as it is safe to do so.

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